Posted by: Mayu | November 3, 2010

Long time no see, dear friends ^^’

First of all: HII! I’m glad to be back on my blog again! October was the busiest month so far, I went to Thailand for a trip and I had to prepare a lot for it. Then I enjoyed my 10-days-stay there and when I came back to Germany I still had a lot to do, so I couldn’t come at all to my blog…
I hope you’re all doing well ๐Ÿ˜€
Thanks so much for all your comments, I have to work on them in the next days and I also have to check my ACWW town…
I’m scared, I haven’t visited it for over 1 month now ๐Ÿ˜ฏ .
EEEK! I don’t want to know what all has happened to my town, I think most of my hybrids are gone now and weeds should be all over the town, but at least my favourite neighbours Vesta and Baabara should be still there, as I still have them locked in, muahahaha! ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
I’ll post about it once I have the guts to start my ACWW again lol!

So all in all I have to say two new things about my blog:

1. I won’t do any design requests in future, I’m sorry but as you can see I couldn’t find any time in the last months to do them for you, I feel really bad about it, but life is getting busier and busier for me and I’m happy when I can visit my blog at least once a week. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
But I have to give a big thank you to Sorcha, who helped me a lot by doing all these design requests and she’s soooo good in making them, I can assure you! ๐Ÿ˜€
Please visit her blog CandSACWWblog, you’ll find a lot of info there and also all the patterns she made ^^
You can also do pattern requests there! ๐Ÿ˜€

2. My Wifi playing time has been also reduced a lot! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I hardly play ACWW now at the moment, my town has been neglected for over 1 month and right now I’m a little scared to go back to it! >.< But this might change soon again, I have the feeling that ACWW is still fun, so please bear with me, I might be back to Wifi playing in 1 or 2 weeks, but then I can also play just 1~2times a week in my morning, my evenings are planed with other stuff at the moment…

Ok but back to Thailand, I want to give you at least a short report about it. I enjoyed my trip very much, I saw a lot of new things and it's always interesting to see such a different country and climate compared to Germany.
The weather was: hot and humid! Baaah, when you stay in house all is cool and almost freezy due to the air conditioners, but once you get out you think that you walk against a wall. A wall of hot humid air is blowing against you and the sun is burning you down, you're sweating like hell. I swear, I haven't been changing my T-shirts that much as in Thailand xD.

Some pics of Thailand, near Bangkok:

This is the Wat Arun, a temple in Bangkok and you were able to climb two very steep stairs to get on the viewing platform. There you had a very nice overview of Bangkok ๐Ÿ™‚

At the other side of the river Chao Praya we also visited the temple Wat Pho:

Those so called ‘Chedi’-s were really impressive, all were covered with colourful mosaics and there were even bigger ones!

Inside of the main temple there you can see the ‘The Reclining Buddha’, I was impressed by the size of it! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
This Wikipedia-pic is better to see the full size of it:

look at the small door on the left lol! ๐Ÿ˜†

A trip to Patthaya into the Nong Nooch Tropical Garden was also very nice, there we were able to see a show about all the traditional things of Thailand’s culture and a funny elephant show.

Some cute dancers of this show are shown on this pic ^^

Fruits were very yummy in Thailand and I also found this famous fruit there:

Durians! They’re well known for their ‘unique odour’, well you can also say they stink a lot! LOL! You weren’t also allowed to bring them into hotels so you can imagine that the smell was really ‘unique’ xP. At the right of the pic you can see the already prepared Durians for eating and I gave it a try…

Ugh! You eat the white flesh of it, the brown one is the seed. It’s soft and not that sweet as I expected, I couldn’t say that it tastes good but also not that it tastes very bad lol. But my favourite wasn’t it for sure ๐Ÿ˜› .

The power poles in Bangkok were extremely chaotic ๐Ÿ˜† :

In Germany this would be prohibited for sure! lol But in Thailand it must be ok for them and it also looks like it’s working fine, but in my opinion it still looks sooo dangerous, haha!

Well I don’t want to bore you with all my holiday pictures, so I think it’s enough to give you a little insight of what I’ve done in October ^^
Thanks for reading and visiting my blog so far, I really appreciate this! ๐Ÿ˜€

See you soon again!


  1. hey it’s me yenburger/meli remember me?

    i play acww, we should wifi.

  2. Has anyone ever heard from Mayu? I hope she is OK. Miss her so much! She was my best ACWW bud. It’s def not the same without her.

  3. Wow, it’s been 2 years :/ Anyone still is active on there blog? Please let me know. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Why wont you come back to us Mayu! This blog is amazing! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  5. Mayuu where are youu?

  6. Mayu, i dont mind if you dont come back. I mean yea sure it would be awesome, but i know you are a adult and kinda have a life. I just want you to know, that i will always be a fan of your blog. Good luck in life ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. MAYU!!! I miss you! I haven’t talked to you in a while!!!!!!!
    My town still isn’t open ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Our WIFI went wack and I can’t get my DSi to connect to it ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

  8. Yeeaahhh! MAAAAAYUUUUU! Wo bist du nur?! Was ist geschehen?! Wenigstens ein kleines Lebenszeichen! -_-

  9. Mayuuuu I never actually got a chance to get to know you but your blog inspired mine and a ton of others, even if you don’t come back I just hope everything is great and you are happy. Who knows, maybe you’ve even bough a 3DS and are playing New Leaf, hahaha ๐Ÿ™‚

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  11. Its been so long i always find myself going back here and looking to all your entries, you really made wifing fun. Wonder where you are but hopefully youre okay

    • Same here … sigh …

  12. So, it looks like people have generally gotten over this. But it still kind of bothers me. I’m just saying, if Mayu “moved on with her adult life and stuff” as you guys are saying, she would have left some sort of post for her readers. If she was — forgive me for introducing this thought — passed away, I’m sure someone she knew (from her family or friends) would say so. And if one of her old blogger friends was still talking to her, they would made it known. Personally, I never knew Mayu, but I used to love her blog, and I think I read every single section in it from start to finish at some point. I don’t need her to come back for regular updates, but the fact that I’ll never know what happened to her really bothers me.
    Is there still anyone in this blog? Or is it completely abandoned? Please reply if you see this.

    • Hey you are not alone with this thought, i am worried too. Even after 5 years. Lately i’ve been thinking a lot about the good old times in acww. I really miss her :/

      • Your not alone. After 5 years I might of thought a post would of been good. However, with me playing the later (and older) animal crossing games (at 19 years of age i still love them) if Mayu ever came back I would be more than happy to continue playing.

        -Sean a.k.a Luke (sometimes)

        • I agree with all of you, always wondered and worried but never wanted to think about it. Even after six years…

          – Sorchiie

          • I agree.. It’s been ages, with no word whatsoever.
            Even if she had moved on, and for some reason everyone else decided to be completely silent at the same exact moment in time, five years it’s not exactly unheard of for people, even people getting on with their ‘regular adult lives’ to revisit old hobbies out of boredom or curiosity. But she’s just disappeared. And her family that played with her, and her friends that knew her elsewhere, haven’t given any this community any clues. It’s been five years, but I remember when we were all a family here.. I used to rush home to talk to everyone, and I saw Mayu as the ‘mother’ of our little community. Perhaps something happened, and we’re just not privy. I hope not. I hope Mayu is okay, I miss her, as I miss everyone from here. It hurts not knowing.

            –Maggie (Maggiesacww/MaggieofHawaii)

            • Derp, six now.. yeah, 2011, not 2012. I cannot do math, or reading comprehension today xP

            • Oh my god hi!!
              I still have notifications for this post turned on – but I didn’t see that you commented considering no one has been on here in years.
              Yeah especially with animal crossing pocket camp, really made me nostalgic for the old days where we’d wifi every night and we had our little community. She was definitely the “mum” of the group for sure. I know a couple of people on here knew her irl but I can’t remember who they are after so many years.
              I agree I always thought she might post back on here one day but figured for the first few years it was probably too overwhelming with the amount of comments she must have had. After so long I wish she might comment just so we could know. I didn’t have any of her personal details so unfortunately I’ll never be able to find out.
              Hope everyone who still checks on here every once in a while is well and enjoying their lives!
              Sorchiie/Sorcha from France

              • Still here after all these years. I got an email through saying someone had left a comment. How time has flown. Hope everyone is doing well.

                -Sean a.k.a Luke (sometimes)

                • Sean – yeah I know right, struggle to believe it’s been so long sometimes..
                  Any of you guys on pocket camp? My fc is 9990-3874-305 add me if ya like

                  • I didn’t see any of you guys’ replies until tonight at work (night shifts are so slow, but they’re interesting) a song one of my coworkers had on reminded me of your chat room, and then I came here, and I almost cried. I’m doing alright, I hope the same is true for both of you, and for everyone else, as well.
                    I just added you on Pocket Camp, Sorcha– I haven’t used the name Maggie since City Folk, though. In Pocket Camp I’m Juniper.

                    My fc is 0368-3763-245


                  • Is anyone here? I can’t believe it’s been so long. It’s crazy that we’re all grown up now.Hope everyone (if anyone still comes here) is doing okay. Sometimes I’m reminded of animal crossing and it all comes back to me. I miss it.

                    Rory/Francisca (from Portugal)

                    • Hey! I still think of you guys sometimes and wonder what you re up to!


                    • Also if you want to catch up my instagram is mehbexx twitter flyingbexx I have whatsapp too but i dont feel like putting my number on the internet ๐Ÿ˜€
                      miss you guys!

                    • Yet again I get an email out of the blue saying people are commenting on this haha. It’s been soo long!

                      -Sean a.k.a Luke (sometimes)

                    • It’s been a bit and I’m popping back in here. I uninstalled Pocket Camp a while back, and recently tried to reinstall it, only for it to overheat my phone when I tried to download my data from my Nintendo account.. So I’ve got a new account on there xP my new name’s Cantaloupe; which I might just use for New Horizons, too, because it makes me smile ^u^

                      I’m glad to see that people still come here every once in a while; this little corner of the internet really feels like home to me. I hope everyone’s doing well.


                    • *pssst*

                      Happy 2020 (I know I am late but I just remembered about this page after looking at New Horizons bits)


  13. Hey, does anyone wanna wifi over ACWW?

  14. It’s been such a long time and I dunno if you even still check your blog anymore but hello from an old friend!!

  15. i first came to this blog a few weeks after this submission was made, and eventually this led me to make an ACC account, which im still on after 6 years and shaped my life immensely from 2010-2012

    although i was never here for the active updates, i still remember this blog every few months and wonder what happened to mayu… and ive only just now noticed a link to her twitter in the sidebar? has anyone tried to contact her there? it seems it was last updated in june, but im not sure if its her or not

  16. Wow, it’s been 6 years … I can’t believe this was so long ago.

    • right? its been so long

  17. I still miss your blog and think about you. Hope you are okay. โค



  20. Hi! I’m practically in love with Animal Crossing so I was editing the wiki, and I came across this page (the images that you’ve cataloged have been so helpful!). I know, I’m rather late to the party. I wonder if anyone checks the comments on this blog anymore.. though upon reading the previous entries, it appears you are no longer active. I’ve requested to follow your Twitter account, yet I think my request will stay pending for a long time. That is quite a lonesome thought, no? Anyways, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is coming out in about 4 days… I wonder if you plan to play it. Regardless, I hope life has been treating you well, Mayu. Have an amazing afternoon!

    – Love from the US

    (P.S. If anyone happens to read this comment who had “wifi-ed” with Mayu, I can’t imagine the intensity of nostalgia you would feel! Happy reminiscing~)

    • Hey! Welcome to our little corner of the internet, friend! There are a couple of us who still check in every so often, although it seems that most of this community has faded away with time. Mayu hasn’t been active since she made this post back in 2010, and any reason for her silence has remained a mystery to us all.

      She cared deeply about this community; she had friends all over the world through Animal Crossing, and even when life was crazy, she’d do her best to leave comments letting us know that all was well, if a bit hectic. I hope nothing terrible happened, but with every year that passes, it seems more and more likely that something *did* happen, that something took Mayu away from us.

      I don’t think I’m alone in saying that getting an email regarding a new comment on this blog brightens my day. Thank you for that.

      My friend code on switch is SW-3852-3406-2221 if you’d like to be friends. I’ve pre-ordered my copy of New Horizons, and I’m so hyped!
      I’m from the US, as well, btw

      (aka MaggieofHawaii, Halcyon, Cantaloupe)

      • Hi!! I had miraculously bookmarked this page and decided to check back in on it. What a wonderful surprise! I know itโ€™s been a few months since Iโ€™ve been here, and I am going to add you now! My name is magikarp on the switch! Hope we can be friends!

        • I look forward to playing with you!

  21. Hi!! I had miraculously bookmarked this page and decided to check back in on it. What a wonderful surprise! I know it’s been a few months since I’ve been here, and I am going to add you now! My name is magikarp on the switch! Hope we can be friends!

  22. Hey, guys! If anyone’s interested, I just put together a Discord server. My thought is that it might be a bit easier to plan meet ups over WiFi on there. Here’s the link:

  23. Here’s to the 10 year anniversary of Maru’s last post. I have a lot of good memories of this blog and coming home every day to check if there was a new entry. Online communities are different now than they were back then, but I’m happy to know that many of us are still playing Animal Crossing games after all these years. I guess some things really never change.
    Cheers friends, here’s to the passage of time!

  24. It’s mind boggling how much of a HUGE impact Mayu made on all of us, that we keep coming back here and there. Animal crossing will always have this special place in my heart and I actually can’t believe it’s been 10 years already… I always find myself coming back here and reminiscing the fun times from back then, it’s a shame that a ton of the pictures have been erased. But… I’m so so grateful I got to meet the people I’ve met after meeting Mayu, it may or may not have changed my life at that time–Mayu’s blog was the only thing I looked forward to during those moments.

    Very fun and special times I will forever cherish. I hope everyone who comes across this is doing well.

    Much love, always

  25. Itโ€™s been 11 years since I met you! Even now I still play Animal Crossing games as an adult! I still name every town Altwood and I often fondly remember this blog and the fun I had with you and everyone else. I hope everyone is well, wherever life has taken you!

    • Also any old friends who might want to get in touch, I have an insta for my New Horizons island:


      Follow me and dm me if you want to catch up!

  26. I still check back here every once in a while. I really loved your blog as a child, and still play ACWW. I hope you’re safe and well.

  27. Hi Mayu, we visited a few times many years ago, I’m old and my back hurts now but I still play animal crossing(though sadly lost my ww town) and lots of other games. Wherever life finds you, I hope it is well!

  28. Just picked up the game again for the first time in over a decade and immediately came here to refresh myself. It’s sad to see that this place is abandoned but I hope things are going well for you these days!

  29. Just came back to this blog for the first time in a long time! Wishing all the best to everyone and hope to see you on AC again someday! ๐Ÿ˜€

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