Posted by: Mayu | September 1, 2010

Late summer fun with Rory, Andre, Chris, Lynette, Erin and Abby

Sorry for the delay of posts again, dear friends, I’m busy at home and as hubby has also got 2 weeks of holidays, I just can’t find some time to play over Wifi with you in my mornings anymore 😉
But I want to show you some pics I made from 1st September:

Here I was in Rory’s town St. Jimmy and there was also our friend Andre from Stadt and his good friend Chris, also from the ACWW town Stadt, but a different one, they just named it the same 😉

Tee hee, Rory and me in our water costume 😛

And here you can see the boys better, Andre is at the left and Chris between Rory and me ^^

We had a lot of fun in catching fish and then we headed over to my town.

Boys also are really happy to get some hybrids of my spare area 🙂

Awww my first summer fireworks this year! So pretty! 😀 And I like all the cute faces of us ^^

What shall we do now? lol

We had a crazy slingshot battle, haha that was funny 😆

In the evening I opened my gates just for a very short time, but there were Abby at the left, Lynette♥ in the citrus shirt and Erin behind her, hi you three! 😀

Yay finally a cute close-up pic from Abby ^^. She has got such a beautiful Princess Peach(?) shirt on, awesome!

A last pic of Erin before Wifi crashed again and I had no time after that, sorry about that.

Thanks for all the fun today @ all 😀


  1. Yeah :O princess peach dress xD it was a little hard to make (:

  2. wihi ich wünschte es gäbe wifi ohne absturz und fehlercode D>:

  3. I have a spare hybird place in my town if anyone wants some.:D

  4. Wow! Looks like you guys have a bunch of fun! I wish my friends had this game. I have no one to wifi with. 😦

  5. Hi

  6. . 🙂

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